Breast cancer

breast tumor

Currently, the main method of "treating" breast cancer is mastectomy: removing a part of or the entire breast by surgical methods; radiotherapy: administering harmful radiation to the woman's body in the hope that cancer will die first, or chemotherapy: poisoning the body with harmful substances in the hope, that cancer will die before the patient does. Below you will find other methods that have been confirmed by those who have successfully healed.


In spite of all the advances in chemotherapy and surgery," report offi­cials of First Circle Medical, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota, the main man­ufacturer of antimalignancy  hyperthermia equipment,  "over  1 ,800,000 patients in North America, Europe and Japan with disseminated lung, prostate, breast cancer and melanoma die each year." 

Breast cancer: Symptoms

  • Pain in any area of the breast.
  • Thickening or swelling of part of the breast.
  • Any irregular change in the size or the shape of the breast.


  • water fasting

    Applies for root causes:

    • toxins in body
    • toxic diet
    • digestive tract intoxication
    • junk food

    Short description:

    Water fasting is a natural and one of the safest ways to heal from severe diseases or injuries. The most important part however is refeeding that takes place after a prolonged (longer than 5 days) water fast. It must be done carefully and with proper food not to lose the healing effect or even harm yourself after digestion tract will be like newborns.

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  • dry fast

    Applies for root causes:

    • toxins in body
    • toxic diet
    • unhealed wounds inside your body
    • overeating

    Short description:

    Absolute fasting (Dry Fasting) - involves restraining from eating and drinking altogether for up to a maximum of 13 days, or several shorter periods. This is the most effective therapy possible, but it is better to use if you already have experience with longer water fasts.

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  • Megavitamin doses

    Applies for root causes:

    • vitamin C deficiency
    • immune system overload

    Short description:

    Mega doses of vitamin C and others can fight your tumour if the root cause is the deficiency of vitamins or your immune system is overloaded.

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  • The Gerson Therapy

    Applies for root causes:

    • toxins in body
    • wrong diet
    • unhealthy diet

    Short description:

    The Gerson Therapy is a natural contemporary, biological treatment, either self-administered at home or under physician supervision, which uses the body's own healing mechanisms for the elimination of debilitat­ing ailments. It was introduced to Western industrialized nations more than sixty years ago by Max Gerson, M.D. ( 1 881-1959). This revolution­ary dietary program was so far advanced at the time of its development that no scientific rationale was available to explain why it produced rever­sal of chronic and infectious diseases. But because it actually cured patients with advanced tuberculosis, diabetes, migraines, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, skin disorders, and numerous other life-threatening con­ ditions, the Gerson Therapy has long since established itself as a major contributor to the medical armamentarium.

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  • vitamin B17 treatment

    Applies for root causes:

    • none

    Short description:

    A hoax or a working treatment? Who's right? Scientists or conspiracy theorists?

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