

Our mission is to provide billions of people with the knowledge to successfully and permanently cure themselves of any chronic disease.

Our purpose is much more significant. We want to change the current healthcare system: how people are cured, speed up the improvement of treatments, and let people decide what treatment they use and whether the doctor should receive money.

This will not be another corporation focused just on profits.


Our purpose is much more significant. We want to change the current healthcare system: how people are cured, speed up the improvement of treatments, and let people decide what treatment they use and whether the doctor should receive money.

We want to create from Learn How I Cured diseases succesfully  the default place where anyone who is sick will seek help - and will be able to get it.

We want to assemble a team of people focused on a higher-purpose mission to change the world.

We want to achieve a high impact - with a small team. By small we understand a group in which everyone knows each other very well.

We want to create a comfortable environment where we can be honest, work together and have fun together.

We want to create a company where the majority of our people have an engineering background because we think engineering criticism and methods like root-cause analysis must be applied in the current biased medical environment.

We want to pay you more than other companies because we believe people have the highest value and are worth it. We want you to focus entirely on our mission and not on your financials.


Current open positions (all 100% remote):

  • Head of HR and Talent Acquisition
  • Head of Marketing
  • Senior Full-stack Javascript Developer experienced with JAMSTACK. Our code base is written in Next.js
  • Graphic Designer
  • Copywriter (English)
  • English-Polish translator (English native speaker)


Join us if you have experienced some problems trying to cure your family or yourself of any chronic disease and want to improve the world for other sufferers. We will first cure your condition under our supervision, then make you a part of a great team that embraces progress each day and opens the minds of each other and thousands of people through our services.

Join us if you are sick of watching people dying from chronic diseases, especially they all can avoid such suffering.

Join us if you want to change the world and create a legacy that will allow your children to live in a better, healthier world.

Join us if you seek a higher purpose.

Don’t join us if you are interested only in the pay-check.

Don’t join us if you don’t want to meet from time to time on a garden party to exchange thoughts and don’t want to make friends with us.

If you are interested please send us your CV or linkedin profile at

You can read more about our story and how it all started at Learn How I Cured diseases succesfully.

You may also be interested in the FAQ that we published here