Anti-parasite treatment

| Jarek Growin

Treatment for disease:atopic skin disorder

Atopic eczema (one of many types of dermatitis) is the most common form of eczema, a condition that causes the skin to become itchy, dry, red and cracked. Eczema affects up to 15 million Americans, which is 7.3% population. Infants are prone to eczema, and 10% to 20% will have it.

About this treatment

This is how I - the founder of HowICured cured my atopic skin disorder. To make the world a better place I published this treatment for free for everyone!

Treatment added by

Jarek Growin

Jarek Growin is the founder and CEO of

Applies for root causes

  • parasites in body
  • common food intolerance

Full treatment description

My entire life I had a severe atopic skin disorder (eczema). In my last year of university, I couldn't stand it anymore. 

After trying everything else, I had decided to deal with parasites, despite the fact that test results to seek for them in my blood and stool were negative. As I learned - they are very hard to trace in lab tests, because they can only be seen when they reproduce and leave eggs. And most of them have reproduction cycle that lasts 21-30 days.  

The process I used to heal myself was following: 

  1. Take Zentel drug - 1 pill every day for 7 days
  2. Wait 14 days from the first Zentel drug and:
    1. take Pyranthelum drug 250 mg - 3 days in a row (the active compound is Pyrantel)
    2. after a week since first Pyranthelum intake take Vermox 100 mg drug - for 6 days in a row (the active compound is Mebendazole)

Until your skin will fully recover avoid the following foods:

  1. Tomatoes and all their products (ketchup, concentrate, tomatoes soup etc) -
    • they are very high in histamine which increases every allergic reaction and increases inflammation
  2. All kinds of nuts, especially: Walnuts, Macadamia, Cashews - they defend very strongly against being eaten and increase your allergic reactions to everything.
    • To be honest, nuts can be the reason why you have atopic eczema in the first place. Even if you like them and have cravings for them.
  3. MSG (monosodium glutamate) - available in most low quality processed foods and added in some cheap restaurants to dishes.
    • Like Tomatoes and Walnuts - It increases inflammation and allergic reaction to everything, so just avoid it.
  4. Milk (especially cow milk), diary, cheeses - they just make your skin condition worse due to casein A1 and high cow hormones content.
  5. Removing grains from your diet and eating mostly raw fruits and vegetables until you are cured also helps. 

Repeat the process after 3 months since the first Zentel pill. 

  • Then repeat it after 6 months since the first Zentel pill just to make sure you healed permanently.
  • Whenever you will have rashes again - just take Zentel for 3-5 days and they should be gone because your body will be stronger and it should be sufficient.

Important notice! You should not eat Zentel 3 months before you want to make any offspring (as a man or woman!) because Zentel trace can damage your sperm or fetus and can kill the embryo. After 3 months all traces of Zentel are removed from your body and everything is OK. Then Zentel is no longer dangerous to your parenthood. I have eaten 3 Zentel pills a year before my first baby was conceived and my baby is 100% healthy. My other 2 children are also 100% healthy. 

Also read the leaflets of all drugs you take, to monitor whether you do not have any side effects or contradictions!!!

That's all! Dead simple! I struggled 25 years to learn that and finally cure myself with this simple treatment. 

Now you can heal yourself. Good luck!

If you need more explanation, please ask in the comments below :)

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