rheumatoid arthritis

rheumatoid arthritis, artitis, Arthritis, RA

In the United States, 23% of all adults—over 54 million people—have arthritis. About 24 million adults are limited in their activities from arthritis, and more than 1 in 4 adults with arthritis report severe joint pain. Rheumatoid arthritis in simple words is the more advanced and painful form of arthritis.


Pain in feet - a common symptom of rheumathoid arthritis. Source: Google images

We don't want to duplicate the already known descriptions of this disease. Below are some of the quick links to websites with different approaches about RA which can provide you with some mainstream knowledge. This may help you identify if you really have RA. If you want to find a cure, continue reading further on Howicured.  


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheumatoid_arthritis
  2. https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/factsheets/arthritis.htm
  3. https://www.medicinenet.com/rheumatoid_arthritis_vs_arthritis/article.htm
  4. https://nras.org.uk/resource/gum-disease/
  5. https://www.arthritis-health.com/treatment/diet-and-nutrition/science-behind-leaky-gut-gut-microbiome-and-arthritis
  6. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fasting-for-rheumatoid-arthritis/
  7. https://www.everydayhealth.com/news/when-old-injuries-come-back-to-haunt-you/

On Howicured we want to focus on finding a permanent cure. 

According to the most recent official science, rheumatoid arthritis has no known origin or cure and is an incurable disease  [Source]. And this site proves that the previous sentence is just wrong in all aspects. It is a curable disease. You just need to know how to treat it properly. 

Most information found on the internet is incorrect, too general, and often misleading when it comes to healthcare. That's why we want to share proven methods to cure this disease. Rated by people who cured themselves of arthritis in any form. 

Because of this disease, Howicured was started.

Pain in wrists - a common symptom of rheumathoid arthritis. Source: google images

To gather all possible treatments for this disease and to enable people to rate treatments themself. To share knowledge. While gathering all those treatments and testing them, Jarek Growin, founder of Howicured, successfully combined and applied knowledge from hundreds of books and cured himself permanently. He is healthy, playing with his children, travelling and experiencing life without pain. 

Perhaps there are also other, better, faster or easier methods to cure yourself. We want to gather them all, so that anyone can choose their path. 

If you know of any working treatments - add them to the list below so that all people can benefit from access to your valuable knowledge. 

We are certain there are multiple ways to cure arthritis, not just one way. People just have to find them and have access to them


  • chronic joint pain
  • joint redness
  • fatigue
  • swollen feet, fingers or hands
  • low energy
  • chronic muscle pain
  • pain in fingers
  • chronic tiredness
  • severe pain in feets
  • loss of joint range of motion


  • Growin Way to Health

    Jarek Growin
    Jarek Growin

    Jarek Growin is the founder and CEO of Howicured.org

    Applies for root causes:

    • sleep deprivation
    • toxins in body
    • old injuries that healed incorrectly
    • leaky guts syndrome
    • leaky gums syndrome
    • wrong mouth higene
    • bad diet
    • your teeth had been treated incorrectly
    • common food intolerance

    Short description:

    This is the way, how I finally cured myself of rheumatoid arthritis. I tried many different approaches: conventional, natural, ayurvedic, dietary, all kinds of supplements. By reading this treatment you will find out precisely what to do to replicate my success and maintain healthy and arthritis-free entire life. It’s a mix of traditional medicine to cure your gums and teeth, water fasting and an elimination diet to heal your guts. I additionally provide dietary instructions to maintain the healthy pain-free state you will achieve. I currently do not eat any drugs or supplements and am healthy and happy with three children. Full description is about 50 pages long.

    Go to details of this treatment
  • Hydrogen peroxide intravenous infusions

    Jarek Growin
    Jarek Growin

    Jarek Growin is the founder and CEO of Howicured.org

    Applies for root causes:

    • infection with bacteria
    • viral infection
    • clogged arteries
    • tissue hypoxia

    Short description:

    Charles H. Farr, M.D., Ph.D., a prominent figure in oxidative medicine, significantly advanced the use of intravenous hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) therapy from the late 1970s. He challenged traditional medical views, advocating for the efficacy of alternative treatments in improving the health of chronically ill patients. Farr recommended H2O2 for a broad range of conditions, including respiratory illnesses, viral infections, chronic diseases, and neurological disorders. He emphasized the safety of this therapy, noting minimal toxicity even with multiple, high-concentration infusions. His work led to a reevaluation of hydrogen peroxide's role in medical treatment, highlighting its potential in various metabolic and immune functions.

    Go to details of this treatment
  • water fasting

    Jarek Growin
    Jarek Growin

    Jarek Growin is the founder and CEO of Howicured.org

    Applies for root causes:

    • toxins in body
    • toxic diet
    • digestive tract intoxication
    • junk food

    Short description:

    Water fasting is a natural and one of the safest ways to heal from severe diseases or injuries. The most important part however is refeeding that takes place after a prolonged (longer than 5 days) water fast. It must be done carefully and with proper food not to lose the healing effect or even harm yourself after digestion tract will be like newborns.

    Go to details of this treatment
  • dry fast

    Jarek Growin
    Jarek Growin

    Jarek Growin is the founder and CEO of Howicured.org

    Applies for root causes:

    • toxins in body
    • toxic diet
    • unhealed wounds inside your body
    • overeating

    Short description:

    Absolute fasting (Dry Fasting) - involves restraining from eating and drinking altogether for up to a maximum of 13 days, or several shorter periods. This is the most effective therapy possible, but it is better to use if you already have experience with longer water fasts.

    Go to details of this treatment

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